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应届生免费英文简历1  Personalinformation  yjbys  Gender:male  Origin:hebeibaoding  Dateofbirth:onDecember17,下面是小编为大家整理的应届生免费英文简历,供大家参考。



  Personal information


  Gender: male

  Origin: hebei baoding

  Date of birth: on December 17, 1984

  Education: bachelor degree

  Professional: automation

  Contact phone number:


  Education background

  The 2003-10-20 07-07 xian university of science and technology institute of electrical and control engineering automation system

  Personal ability

  Foreign language ability: fluent in English listening, speaking, reading and writing, college English remain outstanding, and through the national college students" English level exam: CET4 test: qualified, CET6:437 points.

  Other skills: specialty course can very good master the knowledge, good grades. Beginning ability is strong, basic knowledge of com*r is firm, can be a very good application Windowsoffice series of office software and professional EDA drawing software tools such as protel, orcad. Application of MATLAB application tools such as; Familiar with MCS - 51 single chip microcom*r principle and application of basic knowledge.

  Practice experience

  In September 2006, the school to participate in the relay protection and factory power sup* design, excellent scores.

  In the summer of 2006, to participate in the "xian university of science and technology, the third session of electronic design contest" and the junior electronic training;

  In June 2006, the school to participate in the single chip microcom*r course design of "simulation intersection traffic light" and participate in competition won the honorable mention;

  In June 2005, successively in shaanxi heavy machinery factory, west MaDian factory, west high pressure company (hereafter called sacsc) visit the internship, kunlun group company;

  In May 2005 in xi "an university of science and technology, electronic electrician electron practice training center;

  In March 2005, the school to participate in the com*r assembly, mathematical modeling, the English translation and writing training;

  In March 2005 in metalworking practice for school-run factory.

  Professional courses

  Automatic control principle, motor drag, process control system and instrument, single chip microcom*r principle and application, electronic technology foundation (*og and digital), modern control theory foundation, the motion control technology, microcom*r principle and interface technology, the factory power sup*, intelligent instrument principle and application, intelligent control technology, digital signal processing, monitoring system, electronic circuit EDA technology, industrial data communication with the modern control network.

  Personal qualities

  Treat people sincerely, serious and responsible work and study.

  Personal interests

  Reading, reading the newspaper, whether current affairs administration to smell or entertainment gossip, wide-ranging; Like sports, especially basketball; Like to listen to music, watch movies, chat with friends, prefer to be alone, mind wandering.

  Career aspirations

  Willing to work in the electronic product research and development or customer service, communication and network engineering, human resources management, etc.

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