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认识肺炎提高自我防护的英语作文1  TheSpringFestivalin2023isdifferent.Atthistimeinthepast,weusedtobereunitedwithourf下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度认识肺炎提高自我防护英语作文,菁选2篇(精选文档),供大家参考。



  The Spring Festival in 2020 is different. At this time in the past, we used to be reunited with our families, having a big dinner and talking about Tian kowtow and melon seeds. There must be a happy smile on our face. But this year it"s totally different. The new type of coronary pneumonia from Wuhan has swept all over China. The data of confirmed infection go straight up, and people all over the country are flustered. Don"t say the whole family is reunited. Even when you go out, you have to arm yourself and put on masks. In the past, we never thought that the best contribution to our country was to stay at home in peace.

  "Pork will never be abandoned like walking, and the bat never thought he would be brought to the table, and the mask never thought he would be a new year"s product." it seems that a very cruel sentence has been realized this year. History is always strikingly similar. The cause of the novel coronavirus pneumonia is exactly the same as that of 03 years of SARS. SARS virus, the disaster from the game market. Scientists found that the virus originated from the chrysanthemum head bat, and civet was infected by bats, bought by game lovers, and brought to the table. This food chain ends with human beings, but starts with SARS virus. At that time, people didn"t realize that the main culprit of all this was the eaters who ate the virus into their mouths. But now game eaters don"t stop their chopsticks. The novel coronavirus has also been identified by wild animal control. Spring Festival is supposed to be a time for family reunion, but because of those who are greedy for game, we are forced to isolate ourselves at home. The infected victims can only be treated in isolation with their families in the hospital. However, the medical staff fighting at the front line of the epidemic have to risk their lives to take care of the patients. When it comes to the root cause, it"s human beings who did it wrong. We shouldn"t be invading the world that belongs to animals all the time.

  Because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the epidemic is becoming more serious. Everyone, you can only stay at home safely. The nurses and doctors who help people are better than those who risk their lives. But there are still many people who can"t stand loneliness after staying at home for a few days. They go out to have dinner with their friends. But they didn"t think that because of their own suffering, they brought the burden for the country, but also for the medical staff who fought in the front line of the epidemic.

  Almost all of the medical staff volunteered to go to Wuhan to treat the patients and put on white coats and protective equipment. They chose to give up their time with their families and risked their lives to the worst of the epidemic. But they have never been afraid or flinched. There is only one wish in everyone"s heart, that is to cure the sick and reduce the epidemic. Just like Mr. Zhong Nanshan, he still insists on coming to the front line when he is over the age of Huajia to cure patients and develop vaccines. Another example is that the director of a hospital in Wuhan has suffered from progressive frostbite, and his life is not long. However, he still insists that he should devote himself to the treatment in the last period of his life, and never waste 1 minute and 1 second of his life. There are too many such events. But we can be sure that every medical staff, they are selfless dedication, are our heroes. We should pay more tribute to them. And be honest at home to lighten their burden.

  Although novel coronavirus is not threatening to be a happy family, the 2020 Spring Festival is not a family reunion. However, those doctors and nurses in white have built a solid wall for us with their own lives. I believe that novel coronavirus will surely be utterly routed under this wall. This year"s Spring Festival, less family company; but more angels in white guard.

  We hope that we can develop a vaccine as soon as possible and break through the epidemic situation as soon as possible. I also sincerely thank the medical staff for their contribution to us. The Spring Festival of 2020 is the best portrayal of the whole nation"s people working together to fight against the virus.


  A novel coronavirus, which was originally carried in the chrysanthemum bat in Wuhan, was transmitted to humans and transmitted to humans by the mutation on the eve of the Spring Festival.

  In fact, at the end of last year, some people in Wuhan were infected with the virus. Because it is a new type of case, national medical institutions need to have a rigorous confirmation process for the new virus. Only after the confirmation can the epidemic be officially announced. Just superimposed on the Spring Festival, Wuhan has sent about five million people out to the whole country and even all over the world, which has caused the epidemic situation around the world. Seeing the seriousness of the problem, Wuhan finally adopted the closure of the city to restrict the flow of the virus, and thirty-one provinces and cities adopted the first-class public health emergency response.

  Up to now, there have been more than 11000 confirmed cases of this new pneumonia virus, more than 200 deaths, only more than 200 cured and discharged cases, more than 17000 suspected cases and more than 1700 severe cases.

  Because the virus can spread to each other just by speaking and shaking hands, now everyone has taken protective measures by wearing masks when going out. Now drugstores stipulate that one person can only buy two masks at a time. Some masks are sold out. Large shopping malls and entertainment venues are closed, and subway buses are partially closed. Only a few convenience stores, medicine stores and a few vegetable and fruit stores ensure that the stores where people have to use daily necessities are open. Other stores are closed in order to control the spread of the virus.

  Basically no one goes out on the street or in the community. They wear masks when they go out immediately. Even badminton players wear masks. When they enter the garage of our community, they need to measure their temperature. Even our students" sports teachers ask us to do squats, sit ups and rope skipping at home. People stay at home and contribute to the control of the epidemic.

  On TV, I saw the angel in white wearing heavy protective clothing, goggles and N95 respirator guard the hospital ward for more than ten hours. In order to treat more patients, he could not go home for the festival. Even the 84 year old academician Zhong Nanshan went to the front of the epidemic to give advice. A national team of medical experts was also mobilized to support the front line. In order to comfort her thoughts, a nurse had to bring her son"s toys and photos to the epidemic area.

  The situation of this virus is similar to that of SARS in 2003. We have won that battle. We have made greater progress in science and technology and medical management, and there are so many strong and professional soldiers. We firmly believe that the epidemic will be controlled soon, so that people can return to a safe and orderly life.

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