
| 来源:网友投稿

改变的英语作文1  Nowadays,thankstothereformandopening-uppolicy,greatchangeshavetakenplaceincountryside.Now下面是小编为大家整理的2023年改变英语作文,菁选2篇,供大家参考。



  Nowadays, thanks to the reform and opening-up policy, great changes have taken place in countryside. Now let me introduce some changes in details.


  In the past, farmers used to live in the huts which were in poor quality. They would be destroyed easily in the heavy storm. But nowadays, most farmers have their own houses and flats. Some houses are even bigger and more marvelous than the ones in the city.


  In the past, farmers usually starved to death in disasters, because they had nothing to eat. But nowadays, farmers can plant many corps to live with or sell them. No wonder that most of them are wealthy.


  In the past, farmers were hardly to see the outside world, since they had to tramp over the mountains if they wanted to go out. But nowadays, many high ways and tunnels have been built, so it’s convenient for them to go out. Moreover, most farmers also have their private cars. Therefore, they can go anywhere they like.


  In the past, farmers always suffered from the diseases, because there was no doctor at all. But nowadays, many hospitals have come into being in countryside, so they can be cured in time.


  In the past, it was difficult for children to study in countryside. But nowadays, as there are so many schools in countryside, more and more children can get a better education.


  What a wonderful life in countryside. Maybe countryside will be more thriving than the city in the near future.



  From my point of view, we should change ourselves when the situation can’t be changed any more. Difficulties hide in every corner of our life so we have to face them at times. But the problem is that we sometimes are not able to change the challenging situations at all as our abilities are limited. When it comes, we’d better change our attitude towards these difficulties. Only in this way can we get rid of the tough surroundings and be happy.

  Something like that happened to me once. There was a time when I was laughed at by my classmates while I was walking. I was puzzled so I asked them why they laughed at me. One of them told me that the way I walked was very strange and funny. I was sad but I just couldn’t change the way I walked. And the situation of being laughed at by those people didn’t stop. Therefore, I changed my attitude towards the incident. I ignored those comments on me and walked as I used to. The comments soon disappeared and I was so glad to have succeeded in the quiet war.

  So in my opinion, we should change ourselves first and then the situation can be changed at last. It is very difficult for us to change our surroundings but much easier to change ourselves. People around us will see our change, after which they may change their attitude toward us.

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