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程序员英语面试自我介绍1  Iamagraduatecomputerscienceundergraduate.Universityfouryears,forIlaidasolidfoundation下面是小编为大家整理的程序员英语面试自我介绍,菁选2篇(2023年),供大家参考。



  I am a graduate computer science undergraduate. University four years, for I laid a solid foundation of professional theory, good organization ability, team cooperation spirit, pragmatic work style and good communicating ability.

  In theory, I studied the theory of professional knowledge carefully, and I also read a lot of computer books while learning the required courses. I also have a strong interest in non-professional knowledge of law, literature and so on. During the school year, the first one was repeatedly obtained in the professional examination. I will receive a scholarship once, and I will receive five scholarships from the hospital. He is a good student and is well received by his teachers and classmates.

  In my professional knowledge, I am proficient in the operating systems such as Linux, Windows 9x/Me/NT / 2000 / XP, as well as the familiar operating systems of Visual Basic, SQL Server, ASP, and the Office, WPS Office automation software. I also taught myself HTML, Frontpage, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, and other websites to make relevant software. Good use of common software. With ease.

  At work, he was a member of the college students" association and vice monitor, and was the secretary of the organization department of the computer department. The organization department, the class party, the spring outing and other activities, the teachers and the students are praised by the students. In the cultivation of thoughts, I am excellent in quality, progressive in thought, and committed to the principle of honesty, faith, propriety and wisdom.

  In the social practice, four years of university life, I have strict requirements for myself, the cultivation of ability, especially the practical ability is my strong point. Have participated in social practice many times, have certain practice experience and the ability of working.

  No matter what kind of work in the future, I will take the new job as a new starting point, constantly learning and enhance professional skills, my tireless learning attitude in and style of the steadfast responsible do every work well.


  Hello! My name is * * * * School of engineering cost management professional students. It is an honor to participate in this interview, four years of university study and life, I have strict demands on themselves, hard-working, hard-working, pragmatic and systematic study of engineering cost based curriculum knowledge, and achieved excellent results. I have always been diligent, conscientious, and actively adapt to the environment, and make unremitting efforts for their own self value.

  The college has served as student union Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the organization, has the strong organization ability, activity planning ability, communication ability, and have good language skills and team spirit, work together with the Department Director at the University, jointly organizing and planning a number of large and medium-sized Youth League activities, and achieved very well, get the praise of teachers and administrators.

  Honesty is my personal principle, I believe that my ability is good enough for most of the position, I love the business of your company, sincerely look forward to your leadership, the building blocks for this glorious cause; and continuous learning, progress in practice.

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