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城市是否可以养宠物英语作文1  Recentlywehavehadaheateddiscussiononwhetherpeopleshouldkeeppetsathomeincities.  Som下面是小编为大家整理的2023城市是否可以养宠物英语作文3篇,供大家参考。



  Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities.

  Some classmates agreed with the opinion of keeping pets at home in cities because different kinds of pets puts more excitement into our lives.Not only can people live in harmony with animals, but also pets are great comfort to many lonely elderly people.

  Others opposed to this view because keeping pets at home in cities will cause city environment pollution and make noisy even to hurt people which will cause public panic and anxious.

  In my humble opinion,animals are peoples best friends.They bring a lot of happiness to people,staying every day with your family.But people are ought to manage their pets to prevent emergencies and government should bring in new laws to help citizen to manage their pets well.


  Number of years ago, dogs and humans became friends, in the past dogs and humans for their own common interests, they are at night after the house nursing homes, for security, there is a dynamic and static sound on the dog constantly remind people, it is left to eat their own rice dog eat dog now it is high status and is now a considerable increase in the dog is not called, and called the pet, and it is an incredible pull, in the city the status of the status of the person than the average but also High-ah.

  Whom ah, catch up with the rich, and there is a saying in the past how to say it? Dog Taketo potential, as long as it is to be met with a beggar"s incredibly ah bite, your clothes is not good to bite, and did not see at night in the city is now out of the more wandering pets do not know it is the high life a still more elegant because it is more than pets, and this morning saw a lady look like a woman led a small pet dog, first on the road next to the casually on the size solution, and there is no thing, just like there is a wage of Farmers are also worried the sake of people who look like urinate, so take a look at no one, and started his gratification, and Who knows not yet finished, there are a few urban management, as seems to be that people who look like, and he said, a fine of 30.

  This person said I was anxious also a big morning, seeking up to you, let me put! I found no money, I beg, that"ll be surrounded by a lot of people come to watch the fun, and this time, someone said, he would urinate a moment, you punish him 30, you did not see where you are dog feces No matter how ah? Nursing management of the city who said, how do I control? What people say next, just what the dog lady, how do you solve the matter here. Really were not as good as a dog, and everyone began to say Zheliang spoke of city management in nursing. I do not say that this entry should be resolved here, but feel that we should solve the problem dog feces, how can we not let a dog to destroy our health? I thought our civilization and how the city"s management? As is now the city where the grass is often became a convenient place for small pets, and anyone who walked on the lawn do not care what will certainly be in the mines. We are not responsible pet care for their pets, if with the ability to use unclean thing what it straightened out, if I could carry with them a thing to deal with these things? Pet"s friends also want to support their own civilization, pets, health care for our civilization city urban environment.

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